- thanatomania
- belief that one has been affected by death magic, and resulting illness
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
thanatomania — noun The morbid belief that one is fated to die, having been cursed or bewitched by an enemy. Suicide may also sometimes be effectuated by the mechanism of thanatomania … Wiktionary
thanatomania — Illness or death resulting from belief in the efficacy of magic; a phenomenon observed among those primitive societies or illiterate and superstitious people who believe in the power of evil spirits, spells, curses, and individuals over one s… … Medical dictionary
thanatomania — than·a·to·mania … English syllables
thanatomania — |thanə(ˌ)tō+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from thanat + mania 1. : suicidal mania 2. : death by autosuggestion … Useful english dictionary
Manias and Obsessions — Sometimes, when I look over what I ve created in the Phrontistery, I start to think I m more than a bit crazy, and must be suffering from verbomania. Still, I probably don t officially have any of the 142 manias or obsessions listed below. Some… … Phrontistery dictionary