Manias and Obsessions

Manias and Obsessions
Sometimes, when I look over what I've created in the Phrontistery, I start to think I'm more than a bit crazy, and must be suffering from verbomania. Still, I probably don't officially have any of the 142 manias or obsessions listed below. Some of these mania words represent clinical illnesses, while others are merely facetious. They show the range of unusual and weird things with which one can become obsessed. These words are the ones found in major dictionaries; no doubt there are many others, given that, like phobias, manias are easy to form by taking a root word from Latin or Greek and affixing the suffix 'mania'. Also my word list of types of love and attraction or 'philias', some of which indicate pathological attractions.

Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.

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