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Paraphilia — Classification and external resources MeSH D010262 Paraphilia (in Greek para παρά = beside and philia φιλία = friendship, having the meaning of love) is a biomedical term used to describe sexual arousal to objects, situations, or indi … Wikipedia
paraphilia — (n.) 1913, apparently coined by Austrian ethnologist Friedrich S. Krauss (1859 1938) as lit. inverted instinct, from Gk. para beside, aside (see PARA (Cf. para )) + philos loving see PHILE (Cf. phile)). The neurotic whose accompanying fancies… … Etymology dictionary
paraphilia — [par΄ə fil′ē ə, par΄əfil′yə, par΄əfēl′ē ə, par΄ə fēl′yə] n. [ PARA 1 + PHILIA] 1. sexual behavior that is considered deviant or abnormal 2. a sexual act or practice that is considered deviant or abnormal paraphiliac adj., n. paraphilic … English World dictionary
paraphilia — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1925 a pattern of recurring sexually arousing mental imagery or behavior that involves unusual and especially socially unacceptable sexual practices (as sadism or pedophilia) • paraphiliac or paraphilic adjective… … New Collegiate Dictionary
paraphilia — /par euh fil ee euh/, n. Psychiatry. a type of mental disorder characterized by a preference for or obsession with unusual sexual practices, as pedophilia, sadomasochism, or exhibitionism. Also called sexual deviation. [1920 25; PARA 1 + PHILIA,… … Universalium
paraphilia — noun any sexual deviation, which is considered abnormal in some societies or which may prevent or hinder ones ability to receive reciprocal love … Wiktionary
Paraphilia — One of several complex psychiatric disorders that are manifested as deviant sexual behavior. For example, in men the most common forms are pedophilia (sexual behavior or attraction toward children) and exhibitionism (exposing one’s body in public … Medical dictionary
paraphilia — Synonyms and related words: active algolagnia, algolagnia, algolagny, amphierotism, autoeroticism, bisexuality, coprophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, heterosexuality, homoeroticism, homosexualism, homosexuality, incest, incestuousness,… … Moby Thesaurus
paraphilia — n. (Psychiatry) psychosexual disorder characterized by unusual sexual desires that involve very dangerous activities, sexual perversion; sexual attraction that is not normal; mental disorder for obsessive unusual sexual practices … English contemporary dictionary
paraphilia — [ˌparə fɪlɪə] noun Psychiatry a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires involving extreme or dangerous activities. Derivatives paraphiliac adjective &noun … English new terms dictionary