- paranym
- euphemism; word whose meaning altered to conceal evasion
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
paranym — /parˈə nim/ noun A word whose meaning is altered to conceal an evasion or untruth, eg liberation used for conquest ORIGIN: ↑para 1 and Gr onyma name … Useful english dictionary
NUPTIALES — Mores ritusque prae cipui apud Ebraeos, Paganos et Christianos, sollennes sunt contrahendi nubendique formulae, Arrarum item ac pretii Nuptialis, Annulique ac Coronarum usus, Benedictiones et Sacra Nuptialia, Tempora demum. quibus celebritas… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Names for Names — When my brother and I were little, our parents used to joke that if one of us had been a girl, they could have named us Chris and Alice, so that we would be Chris and Alice Chrisomalis . Fortunately for all concerned, they did not do so, because… … Phrontistery dictionary