- catholicos
- primate of Armenian or Nestorian church
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Catholicos — (plural Catholicoi ) is a title used by the Patriarch (head/regional head bishop) of any of certain Eastern churches. The word is a transliteration of the Greek καθολικός , pl. καθολικοί , meaning concerning the whole , universal or general .A… … Wikipedia
Catholicos — • The ecclesiastical title of the Nestorian and Armenian patriarchs Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Catholicos Catholicos † … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholicos — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Catholicós (del griego Καθολικος) título de la autoridad máxima en algunas Iglesias orientales. En algunos casos (por ejemplo nestorianos y os georgianos), el termino significa lo mismo que patriarca. En otros casos… … Wikipedia Español
Catholicos — Ca*thol i*cos, n. [NL. See {Catholic}.] (Eccl.) The spiritual head of the Armenian church, who resides at Etchmiadzin, Russia, and has ecclesiastical jurisdiction over, and consecrates the holy oil for, the Armenians of Russia, Turkey, and Persia … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
catholicos — ● catholicos nom masculin Titre porté par certains chefs religieux des Églises chrétiennes orientales … Encyclopédie Universelle
Catholicos — Le titre de catholicos est un titre équivalent à celui de patriarche porté par des dignitaires de plusieurs Églises orthodoxes orientales, notamment les Églises de la tradition nestorienne et les Églises monophysites, en particulier l Église… … Wikipédia en Français
catholicos — /keuh thol i keuhs, kos /, n., pl. catholicoses, catholicoi / koy /. 1. (often cap.) Eastern Ch. a. any of the heads of certain autocephalous churches. b. (in some autocephalous churches) a primate subject to a patriarch and having authority over … Universalium
Catholicos — A term of Greek origin signifying general, or universal, and used as a title given to high ranking secular officials, and later on as an honorary title for certain ecclesiastical dignitaries ranking below a patriarch but above a metropolitan. On… … Dictionary of church terms
Catholicos of The East and Malankara Metropolitan — Catholicos is the title of distinct primates of various Apostolic churches traditionally used outside the Byzantine empire. The word Catholicos means Universal . Catholicos of the East is the head of the Eastern Syriac Churches which includes the … Wikipedia
Catholicos of India (title) — Catholicos of India is the official title of the Catholicos/Maphrian of the Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church who functions at an ecclesiastical rank second to the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch. The jurisdiction of the Syriac Orthodox… … Wikipedia
Catholicos De L'Orient — Le titre de Catholicos de l Orient est traditionnellement porté par l évêque de Séleucie Ctésiphon (près de Bagdad dans l actuel Irak), primat de l Église d Orient (Église de Perse ou Église de Mésopotamie). L Église d Orient est l une des plus… … Wikipédia en Français