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rhamphoid — adj. [Gr. rhamphos, beak; eidos, form] Beakshaped … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
rhamphoid — rham·phoid … English syllables
rhamphoid — a. beak shaped … Dictionary of difficult words
rhamphoid — … Useful english dictionary
Cusp (singularity) — An ordinary cusp on the curve x3–y2=0 In the mathematical theory of singularities a cusp is a type of singular point of a curve. Cusps are local singularities in that they are not formed by self intersection points of the curve. The plane curve… … Wikipedia
ramphoid — variant of rhamphoid * * * ramphoid var. rhamphoid … Useful english dictionary
Singular point of a curve — In geometry, a singular point on a curve is one where the curve is not given by a smooth embedding of a parameter. The precise definition of a singular point depends on the type of curve being studied. Contents 1 Algebraic curves in the plane 1.1 … Wikipedia
Resolution of singularities — Strong desingularization of Observe that the resolution does not stop after the first blowing up, when the strict transform is smooth, but when it is simple normal crossings with the exceptional divisors. In algebraic geometry, the problem of… … Wikipedia
Roman nosed — Synonyms and related words: aquiline, aquiline nosed, beak nosed, beak shaped, beaked, bill like, bill shaped, billed, clawlike, crookbilled, crooked, crooknosed, down curving, hamate, hamiform, hamulate, hooked, hooklike, parrot nosed, rhamphoid … Moby Thesaurus
aquiline — Synonyms and related words: Roman nosed, altricial, anserine, anserous, aquiline nosed, avian, avicular, beak nosed, beak shaped, beaked, bill like, bill shaped, billed, birdlike, birdy, clawlike, columbine, crookbilled, crooked, crooknosed,… … Moby Thesaurus