- retronym
- new name as modification of older term used alone
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
retronym — means ‘a new term created from an existing word in order to distinguish the original referent of the existing word from a later one that is the product of progress or technological development’ (COD). The example usually given is acoustic guitar … Modern English usage
Retronym — A retronym is a type of neologism coined for an old object or concept whose original name has come to be used for something else, is no longer unique, or is otherwise inappropriate or misleading. The term was coined by Frank Mankiewicz in… … Wikipedia
Retronym — Ein Retronym ist ein Neologismus, der sich zur differenzierenderen Bezeichnung bereits bestehender Dinge oder Produkte im Hinblick auf modernere Entwicklungen herausgebildet hat. Die Bezeichnung Retronym geht auf Frank Mankiewicz in den 70ern des … Deutsch Wikipedia
retronym — noun A new word or phrase coined for an old object or concept whose original name has become used for something else or is no longer unique (such as acoustic guitar where guitar used to mean this but can now also refer to an electric guitar).… … Wiktionary
retronym — A modified name given to an item when a newer form of the item forces a name change to differentiate between the old and new. Acoustic guitar is a retronym for what used to be known simply as a guitar … Dictionary of american slang
retronym — A modified name given to an item when a newer form of the item forces a name change to differentiate between the old and new. Acoustic guitar is a retronym for what used to be known simply as a guitar … Dictionary of american slang
retronym — noun a word introduced because an existing term has become inadequate Nobody ever heard of analog clocks until digital clocks became common, so analog clock is a retronym • Hypernyms: ↑word … Useful english dictionary
retronym — a modification of an existing word occasioned by a discovery or a new concept, e.g. herring became Atlantic herring once Pacific populations were determined to be a distinct species … Dictionary of ichthyology
retronym — /re treuh nim/, n. a term, such as acoustic guitar, coined in modification of the original referent that was used alone, such as guitar, to distinguish it from a later contrastive development, such as electric guitar. [1990 95, Amer.; RETRO + nym … Universalium
retronym — ret•ro•nym [[t]ˈrɛ trə nɪm[/t]] n. cvb a term, such as acoustic guitar, coined in modification of the original referent that was used alone, such as guitar, to distinguish it from a later contrastive development, such as electric guitar[/ex] •… … From formal English to slang