- recusant
- one who refuses to attend Catholic church services; nonconformist
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
recusant — re·cu·sant / re kyə zənt, ri kyü / adj: refusing to submit to authority the recusant witness failed to appear despite a subpoena recusant n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Recusant — Re*cu sant ( zat; 277), a.[L. recusans, antis, p. pr. of recure to refuse, to oject to; pref. re re + causa a cause, pretext: cf. F. r[ e]cusant. See {Cause}, and cf. {Ruse}.] Obstinate in refusal; specifically, in English history, refusing to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Recusant — Re*cu sant, n. 1. One who is obstinate in refusal; one standing out stubbornly against general practice or opinion. [1913 Webster] The last rebellious recusants among the European family of nations. De Quincey. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eng. Hist.) A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
recusant — [rek′yoo zənt, ri kyo͞o′zənt] n. [L recusans, prp. of recusare, to reject < re , against + causari, to dispute, pretend < causa, reason, CAUSE] 1. a person who refuses to obey an established authority; specif., in England in the 16th to… … English World dictionary
récusant — récusant, ante [ʀekyzɑ̃, ɑ̃t] adj. et n. ÉTYM. 1611; p. prés. de récuser. ❖ ♦ Dr. Qui exerce un droit de récusation … Encyclopédie Universelle
récusant — récusant, ante (ré ku zan, zan t ) s. m. et f. Celui, celle qui récuse un juge, un juré, un témoin, un arbitre, etc. Il s est dit aussi, dans les querelles de religion, de ceux qui rejettent les principes établis … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
recusant — 1550s, from L. recusantem, prp. of recusare (see RECUSE (Cf. recuse)) … Etymology dictionary
recusant — ► NOUN 1) a person who refuses to submit to authority or comply with a regulation. 2) historical a person who refused to attend services of the Church of England. DERIVATIVES recusancy noun. ORIGIN from Latin recusare refuse … English terms dictionary
recusant — noun Etymology: Latin recusant , recusans, present participle of recusare to reject, oppose, from re + causari to give a reason, from causa cause, reason Date: circa 1553 1. an English Roman Catholic of the time from about 1570 to 1791 who… … New Collegiate Dictionary
recusant — /rek yeuh zeuhnt, ri kyooh zeuhnt/, adj. 1. refusing to submit, comply, etc. 2. obstinate in refusal. 3. Eng. Hist. refusing to attend services of the Church of England. n. 4. a person who is recusant. 5. Eng. Hist. a person, esp. a Roman… … Universalium
recusant — [ rɛkjʊz(ə)nt] noun a person who refuses to submit to authority or comply with a regulation. ↘historical a person who refused to attend services of the Church of England. adjective of or denoting a recusant. Derivatives recusance noun recusancy… … English new terms dictionary