- psychogenesis
- origin and development of the mind
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Psychogenesis — Psy cho*gen e*sis, n. Genesis through an internal force, as opposed to {natural selection}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Psychogenesis — (from the Greek psyche mind or feelings, and genesis origin) is a term primarily used in psychology referring to the origin and development of psychological processes, personality, or behavior or the development of a physical disorder or illness… … Wikipedia
Psychogenesis — (griech.), die Lehre von der Entwickelung des Seelenlebens, besonders beim Menschen. Der Begriff deckt sich zum Teil mit dem der Kinderpsychologie (s. d.), umfaßt aber auch die Lehre von den ersten Anfängen geistigen Lebens im Tierreich wie beim… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
psychogenesis — [sī΄kō jen′ə sis] n. [ModL: see PSYCHO & GENESIS] 1. origination and development within the psyche, or mind; specif., the development of physical disorders as a result of mental conflicts rather than from organic causes 2. the origin and… … English World dictionary
psychogenesis — The origin and development of the psychic processes including mental, behavioral, emotional, personality, and related psychologic processes. SYN: psychogeny. [psycho + G. genesis, origin] * * * psy·cho·gen·e·sis .sī kə jen ə səs … Medical dictionary
psychogenesis — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1838 1. the origin and development of mental functions, traits, or states 2. development from mental as distinguished from physical origins • psychogenetic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
psychogenesis — psychogenetic /suy koh jeuh net ik/, adj. psychogenetically, adv. /suy keuh jen euh sis/, n. 1. genesis of the psyche. 2. Psychol. the origin of physical or psychological states, normal or abnormal, out of the interplay of conscious and… … Universalium
psychogenesis — noun a) The origin and development of psychological processes such as personality and behaviour b) The development of a physical disorder from a psychological factor … Wiktionary
Psychogenesis — Psy|cho|gẹ|ne|sis 〈f.; , ne|sen〉 Entwicklung der Seele, des Seelenlebens; oV Psychogenese * * * Psy|cho|ge|ne|se, Psy|cho|gẹ|ne|sis, die; , …nesen (Psychol.): Entstehung u. Entwicklung des Seelenlebens. * * * Psy|cho|ge|ne|se,… … Universal-Lexikon
psychogenesis — saɪkəʊ dÊ’enɪsɪs n. creation of the soul and mind; origin of the psychological states resulting from the influences of conscious and unconscious mental processes … English contemporary dictionary