- astronomical unit
- unit of distance equal to the distance from the earth to the sun
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
astronomical unit — n. Astron. a unit of length based on the mean distance of the earth from the sun, c. 149.6 million km ( c. 93 million mi): light travels this distance in c. 8.3 minutes: abbrev. AU … English World dictionary
Astronomical unit — This article is about unit of length. For the full system of units, see Astronomical system of units. 1 astronomical unit = SI units 149.60×10^6 km 149.60×10^9 m Astronomical units 4.8481 … Wikipedia
astronomical unit — Astron. a unit of length, equal to the mean distance of the earth from the sun: approximately 93 million miles (150 million km). Abbr.: AU [1900 05] * * * ▪ unit of measurement Comparative data for the Sun, planets, and other solar system… … Universalium
astronomical unit — (ua or au or AU) a unit of distance used by astronomers to measure distances in the Solar System. One astronomical unit equals the average distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun (mathematically, it is the length of the… … Dictionary of units of measurement
astronomical unit — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms astronomical unit : singular astronomical unit plural astronomical units astronomy a unit for measuring distance in space … English dictionary
Astronomical Unit — noun a unit of length used for distances within the solar system; equal to the mean distance between the Earth and the Sun (approximately 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers) (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑AU • Hypernyms: ↑astronomy unit * * *… … Useful english dictionary
Astronomical Unit — A unit of distance used to measure orbits and trajectories within the solar system. An Astronomical Unit is the average distance between the Sun and Earth. One AU is roughly equal to 149,600,000 km (92,956,000 mi.). To give you an idea of the… … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
astronomical unit — astronominis vienetas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Apibrėžtį žr. priede. priedas( ai) Grafinis formatas atitikmenys: angl. astronomical unit vok. astronomische Einheit, f rus. астрономическая единица, f pranc. unité … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
astronomical unit — astronominis vienetas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. astronomical unit vok. Astronomische Einheit, f rus. астрономическая единица, f pranc. unité astronomique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
astronomical unit — /ˌæstrənɒmɪkəl ˈjunət/ (say .astruhnomikuhl yoohnuht) noun a unit, defined as 149 597 870 km, approximately equal to the mean distance between the centre of the earth and the centre of the sun, used as a unit of distance in astronomy. Symbol: AU… …