- oscilloscope
- instrument for detecting electrical fluctuations
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
oscilloscope — [ ɔsilɔskɔp ] n. m. • 1900; de osciller et scope ♦ Métrol. Appareil de mesure permettant de visualiser sur un écran cathodique les variations d une tension. Oscilloscope à mémoire, numérique. ● oscilloscope nom masculin Appareil permettant de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
oscilloscope — os*cil lo*scope, n. [L. oscillare to swing + scope.] An electronic measuring instrument which provides a visual representation of the time variation of electrical quantities, such as voltage or current. It may be used to measure the shape of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oscilloscope — 1915, instrument for visually recording an electrical wave, a hybrid formed from L. oscillare to swing (see OSCILLATION (Cf. oscillation)) + SCOPE (Cf. scope) … Etymology dictionary
oscilloscope — ► NOUN ▪ a device for viewing oscillations by a display on the screen of a cathode ray tube … English terms dictionary
oscilloscope — [ə sil′əskōp΄, äs′ə lōskōp΄] n. [< L oscillare, to swing + SCOPE] a type of oscillograph that visually displays an electrical wave on a fluorescent screen, as of a cathode ray tube oscilloscopic [ə sil′əskäp′ik, äs′ə lōskäp′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Oscilloscope — This article is about current oscilloscopes, providing general information. For history of oscilloscopes, see Oscilloscope history. For detailed information about various types of oscilloscopes, see Oscilloscope types. Illustration showing the… … Wikipedia
Oscilloscope — Un oscilloscope est un instrument de mesure destiné à visualiser un signal électrique, le plus souvent variable au cours du temps. Il est utilisé par de nombreux scientifiques afin de visualiser soit des tensions électriques, soit diverses autres … Wikipédia en Français
oscilloscope — oscilloscopic /euh sil euh skop ik/, adj. oscilloscopically, adv. /euh sil euh skohp /, n. Elect. a device that uses a cathode ray tube or similar instrument to depict on a screen periodic changes in an electric quantity, as voltage or current.… … Universalium
oscilloscope — UK [əˈsɪləˌskəʊp] / US [əˈsɪləˌskoʊp] noun [countable] Word forms oscilloscope : singular oscilloscope plural oscilloscopes physics a piece of equipment that shows oscillations in an electric current as waves on a screen … English dictionary
oscilloscope — oscilografas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. oscillograph; oscilloscope vok. Oszillograf, m; Oszillograph, m; Oszilloskop, n rus. осциллограф, m pranc. oscillographe, m; oscilloscope, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
oscilloscope — osciloskopas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įtaisas, kuriuo vyksmai tik stebimi, bet jų parametrai neregistruojami. atitikmenys: angl. oscilloscope vok. Oszilloskop, n rus. осциллоскоп, m pranc. oscilloscope, m … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas