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muciferous — [myo͞o sif′ər əs] adj. [ MUC(US) + i + FEROUS] producing or secreting mucus … English World dictionary
muciferous — SYN: muciparous. * * * mu·cif·er·ous myü sif (ə )rəs adj producing or filled with mucus <muciferous ducts> * * * mu·cif·er·ous (mu sifґər əs) [muci + ferous] muciparous … Medical dictionary
muciferous — producing or containing mucus … Dictionary of ichthyology
muciferous — /myooh sif euhr euhs/, adj. secreting or containing mucus. Also, mucigenous /myooh sij euh neuhs/, muciparous. [1835 45; MUC + I + FEROUS] * * * … Universalium
muciferous — adj. secreting mucous … English contemporary dictionary
muciferous — mu·cif·er·ous … English syllables
muciferous — a. a. secreting or stimulating secretion of mucus. ♦ mucific, ♦ mucigenous, a … Dictionary of difficult words
muciferous — adjective containing or secreting mucus • Pertains to noun: ↑mucus … Useful english dictionary
Ichthyology terms — Ichthyology uses several terms that are unique to the science.Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NOTOC A * Abdomen: belly * Abdominal: pertaining to the belly * Actinosts: a series of bones at the base of the pectoral… … Wikipedia
muciparous — Producing or secreting mucus. SYN: blennogenic, blennogenous, mucid, muciferous, mucigenous, mucilaginous (2). [mucin + L. pario, to bring forth, bear] * * * mu·cip·a·rous myü sip ə rəs adj secreting mucus <muciparous cells> * * * … Medical dictionary