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juxtapositive — … Useful english dictionary
adjacent — Synonyms and related words: abutting, adjoining, attached, bordering, close by, closest, connected, connecting, consecutive, conterminous, contiguous, coterminous, end to end, endways, endwise, face to face, handy, immediate, joined, juxtaposed,… … Moby Thesaurus
adjoining — Synonyms and related words: abutting, adjacent, bordering, connecting, conterminous, contiguous, coterminous, end to end, endways, endwise, face to face, immediate, joined, juxtaposed, juxtapositional, juxtapositive, neighbor, neighboring, next,… … Moby Thesaurus
bordering — Synonyms and related words: adjacent, adjoining, beading, binding, borderline, bordure, boundary, bounding, coastal, connecting, conterminous, contiguous, coterminous, determinant, determinative, determining, edging, end to end, endways, endwise … Moby Thesaurus
connecting — Synonyms and related words: adjacent, adjoining, binding, bordering, coalescent, coalescing, combinative, combinatory, combining, communicating, conjunctival, conjunctive, connectional, connective, conterminous, contiguous, copulative,… … Moby Thesaurus
contiguous — Synonyms and related words: abutting, adjacent, adjoining, bordering, close, close by, connecting, conterminous, coterminous, end to end, endways, endwise, face to face, immediate, joined, juxtaposed, juxtapositional, juxtapositive, near, nearby … Moby Thesaurus
coterminous — Synonyms and related words: accompanying, adjacent, adjoining, agreeing, bordering, coequal, coetaneous, coeternal, coeval, coexistent, coexisting, coextensive, coincident, coincidental, coinciding, coinstantaneous, collateral, concomitant,… … Moby Thesaurus
endways — Synonyms and related words: adjacent, adjoining, along, at attention, at length, bolt upright, bordering, connecting, conterminous, contiguous, coterminous, end to end, endlong, endwise, erectly, face to face, immediate, in length, joined,… … Moby Thesaurus
face to face — Synonyms and related words: aboveboard, adjacent, adjoining, at opposite extremes, back to back, before one, bordering, connecting, conterminous, contiguous, contrariwise, contrary, coterminous, counter, end to end, endways, endwise, eyeball to… … Moby Thesaurus
immediate — Synonyms and related words: about to be, abrupt, accessible, actual, adjacent, adjoining, alert, already in sight, approaching, apt, articulated, as is, at hand, attendant, automatic, available, being, bordering, brewing, catenated, ceaseless,… … Moby Thesaurus