- japanophilia
- love or admiration for Japan or the Japanese
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Japanophilia — noun /dʒəˌpæn.əʊˈfiːl.i.ə,dʒəˌpæn.əˈfiːl.i.ə/ a strong interest in the country, culture, or people of Japan See Also: philia, Japanophile … Wiktionary
Japanophile — Japanophilia (in Japanese: 親日派 shinnichiha ) is an interest in, or love of, Japan and all things Japanese. (Its opposite is Japanophobia.) One who has such an interest or love is a Japanophile. [cite… … Wikipedia
Anti-Japanese sentiment — in the U.S. peaked during World War II. The government subsidized the production of propaganda posters using exaggerated stereotypes. Anti Japanese sentiment involves hatred, grievance, distrust, dehumanization, intimidation, fear, hostility,… … Wikipedia
Japan — noun /ˌdʒəˈpæn/ An island nation in the Pacific Ocean, located the east of China, Korea and Russia. See Also: Jap, Japanese, Japanize, Japanology, Japanophile, Jap … Wiktionary
Japanophile — noun /dʒəˌpæn.əʊˈfaɪl,dʒəˌpæn.əˈfaɪl/ A person who loves the country, culture, or people of Japan. Syn: shinnichiha, chinilpa See Also: Japanophilia … Wiktionary
Love and Attraction — While this list might seem a bit risqué judging from its title, it s not as bad (or good) as you might think. Each of these 114 weird words contains the word element phil , from ancient Greek phileein to love, and so a philia is a special love,… … Phrontistery dictionary