
word representing a class of words or things

Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.

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  • hypernym — n. a word that is more generic or more abstract than a given word; a word designating a class of which the given word is a member. Inverse of subtype and hyponym. Syn: superordinate, superordinate word. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hypernym — hyponym, hypernym In linguistics, a hyponym of a given term is a more specific term in the same domain; e.g. spaniel is a hyponym of dog, and bag, box, and cup are hyponyms of container. A hypernym is a more general term, so that dog is the… …   Modern English usage

  • hypernym — UK [ˈhaɪpə(r)nɪm] / US [ˈhaɪpərˌnɪm] noun [countable] Word forms hypernym : singular hypernym plural hypernyms linguistics a superordinate …   English dictionary

  • hypernym — noun A word or phrase whose referents form a set including as a subset the referents of a subordinate term. Musical instrument is a hypernym of guitar because musical instruments include guitars. Syn: genus, superordinate, hyperonym, blanket term …   Wiktionary

  • hypernym — n. word with an extensive meaning that forms a category under which more specific words fall, word that is more general than another given word, word the meaning of which includes the meaning of one or more other words (such as: musical… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Hypernym — In der Linguistik wird mit Hyperonym der Oberbegriff eines Begriffs bezeichnet. Der Unterbegriff eines Begriffs wird als Hyponym bezeichnet. Beispiel: Obst ist ein Hyperonym von Banane, Tier ist ein Hyperonym von Säugetier, Säugetier ist ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hypernym — [ hʌɪpənɪm] noun a word with a broad meaning constituting a category under which more specific words fall; a superordinate. Contrasted with hyponym. Origin 1970s: from hyper , on the pattern of hyponym …   English new terms dictionary

  • hypernym — /ˈhaɪpənɪm/ (say huypuhnim) noun a superordinate term which encompasses other terms of a less general nature, as furniture which includes table, chair, etc. Compare hyponym. {hyper (def. 1) + Greek onyma name; modelled on synonym} …  

  • hypernym — noun a word that is more generic than a given word • Syn: ↑superordinate, ↑superordinate word • Hypernyms: ↑word …   Useful english dictionary

  • WordNet — is a lexical database for the English language.[1] It groups English words into sets of synonyms called synsets, provides short, general definitions, and records the various semantic relations between these synonym sets. The purpose is twofold:… …   Wikipedia

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