- cephalonomancy
- divination by boiling an ass head
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Cephalonomancy — (also known as cephaleonomancy or kephalonomancy) is an ancient form of divination which involved heating the skull of an ass[1] or goat[2] while reciting various phrases, often the names of criminal suspects.[3] If the skull crackled or the jaw… … Wikipedia
Methods of divination — This article is about the numerous varieties of divination. For divination as a whole, see Divination. Innumerable methods of divination can be found around the world, and many cultures practice the same methods under different names. During the… … Wikipedia
Divination and Fortune-Telling — This list defines 163 terms for kinds of divination and fortune telling, ranging from very common (runes, tarot cards, or horoscopes) to extraordinarily rare. In fact, you won t believe the range of methods that people have developed to rip other … Phrontistery dictionary
cephaleonomancy — /ˌsɛfəliˈɒnəmænsi/ (say .sefuhlee onuhmansee) noun a form of ancient divination in which the head of a donkey was burnt on hot coals, the point at which the jaw fell from the skull being taken as prophetic. Also, cephalonomancy, cephalomancy.… …