- triumphalism
- belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Triumphalism — is the attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, culture, or social system is superior to and should triumph over all others. Triumphalism is not an articulated doctrine but rather a term that is used to characterize certain attitudes or… … Wikipedia
triumphalism — ► NOUN ▪ excessive exultation over one s success or achievements. DERIVATIVES triumphalist adjective & noun … English terms dictionary
triumphalism — [trī um′fəl iz΄əm] n. a proud, often arrogant confidence in the validity and success of a set of beliefs, often, specif., religious beliefs triumphalist adj., n … English World dictionary
triumphalism — noun a) The attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, culture, or social system, particularly a religious or political one, is superior and that it will or should triumph over all others. But not only did Soviet triumphalism eventually… … Wiktionary
triumphalism — [[t]traɪʌ̱mfəlɪzəm[/t]] N UNCOUNT People sometimes refer to behaviour which celebrates a great victory or success as triumphalism, especially when this behaviour is intended to upset the people they have defeated. [mainly BRIT, JOURNALISM] There… … English dictionary
triumphalism — tri|um|phal|is|m [traıˈʌmfəlızəm] n [U] behaviour which shows that someone is too proud of their success and too pleased about the defeat of their opponents used to show disapproval ▪ charges of triumphalism … Dictionary of contemporary English
triumphalism — noun Date: 1964 an attitude or feeling of victory or superiority: as a. the attitude that one religious creed is superior to all others b. smug or boastful pride in the success or dominance of one s nation or ideology over others • triumphalist… … New Collegiate Dictionary
triumphalism — /truy um feuh liz euhm/, n. 1. triumphant spirit or character. 2. the attitude or practices of a church that seeks a position of power and dominance in the world. Cf. servant church. [1960 65; TRIUMPHAL + ISM] * * * … Universalium
triumphalism — tri|umph|al|ism [ traı ʌmfə,lızəm ] noun uncount the attitude or behavior of someone who shows they are very proud of their own victory or success. This word shows that you dislike this type of attitude or behavior. ╾ tri|umph|al|ist adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
triumphalism — noun excessive exultation over one s success or achievements. Derivatives triumphalist adjective &noun … English new terms dictionary