
of or having a hard shell; brick-red

Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.

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  • Testaceous — Tes*ta ceous, a. [L. testaceus, fr. testa a shell. See {Testa}.] 1. Of or pertaining to shells; consisted of a hard shell, or having a hard shell. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot. & Zo[ o]l.) Having a dull red brick color or a brownish yellow color. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • testaceous — [tes tā′shəs] adj. [L testaceus, consisting of brick, tile, or shell < testa: see TEST1] 1. of, like, or from shells 2. having a hard shell 3. Biol. of the color of unglazed earthenware; light reddish brown …   English World dictionary

  • testaceous — adjective Etymology: Latin testaceus, from testa shell, earthen pot, brick Date: 1646 1. having a shell < a testaceous protozoan > 2. of any of the several light colors of bricks …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Testaceous animals — Testaceous Tes*ta ceous, a. [L. testaceus, fr. testa a shell. See {Testa}.] 1. Of or pertaining to shells; consisted of a hard shell, or having a hard shell. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot. & Zo[ o]l.) Having a dull red brick color or a brownish yellow… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • testaceous — adj. [L. testaceus, covered with a shell] Bearing a test or hard covering; of the nature of a shell; see conchiferous …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • testaceous — /te stay sheuhs/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or derived from shells. 2. having a test or shell like covering. 3. of a brick red, brownish red, or brownish yellow color. [1640 50; < L testaceus shell covered, equiv. to test(a) (see TEST2) + aceus… …   Universalium

  • testaceous — adjective /tɛˈsteɪʃəs/ Having a shell, especially one which is not articulated …   Wiktionary

  • testaceous — tes·ta·ceous (tes taґshəs) [L. testa shell] of the nature of shell; having a shell …   Medical dictionary

  • testaceous — [tɛ steɪʃəs] adjective chiefly Entomology of a dull brick red colour. Origin C17: from L. testaceus (from testa tile ) + ous …   English new terms dictionary

  • testaceous — tes·ta·ceous …   English syllables

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