- tachistoscope
- instrument for rapidly showing images on a screen to test perception
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
tachistoscope — [ takistɔskɔp ] n. m. • 1945; de tach(eo) , gr. istos « le plus » et scope ♦ Techn. Appareil de projection pour l exposition d images lumineuses à différentes vitesses, utilisé pour l entraînement à la lecture rapide et pour des recherches… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tachistoscope — Ta*chis to*scope, n. [Gr. ta chistos, superl. of tachy s swift + scope.] (Physiol.) An apparatus for exposing briefly to view a screen bearing letters or figures. It is used in studying the range of attention, or the power of distinguishing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tachistoscope — [tə kis′tə skōp΄] n. [< Gr tachistos, superl. of tachys, swift (see TACHY ) + SCOPE] an apparatus that exposes words, pictures, etc. for a measured fraction of a second, used to increase reading speed or to test memory, perception, etc.… … English World dictionary
Tachistoscope — A tachistoscope is a device that displays (usually by projecting) an image for a specific amount of time. It can be used to increase recognition speed, to show something too fast to be consciously recognized, or to test which elements of an image … Wikipedia
tachistoscope — A projection device used in studies of visual perception and memory. In advertising and marketing research it is used to measure the extent to which the features of an advertisement or brand are registered by consumers. The tachistoscope shows a… … Big dictionary of business and management
Tachistoscope — Un Tachistoscope est un appareil permettant la présentation ultra rapide (de l ordre de la miliseconde) d un stimulus à un seul hémichamp visuel à la fois. Cet équipement permet de contrôler finement les paramètres de la présentation visuelle des … Wikipédia en Français
tachistoscope — noun Etymology: Greek tachistos (superlative of tachys swift) + International Scientific Vocabulary scope Date: circa 1890 an apparatus for the brief exposure of visual stimuli that is used in the study of learning, attention, and perception •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
tachistoscope — tachistoscopic /teuh kis teuh skop ik/, adj. /teuh kis teuh skohp /, n. Psychol. an apparatus for use in exposing visual stimuli, as pictures, letters, or words, for an extremely brief period, used chiefly to assess visual perception or to… … Universalium
tachistoscope — noun a device that displays a series of brief images; used by psychologists to investigate perception, memory and learning … Wiktionary
tachistoscope — An instrument to determine the shortest time an object must be exposed in order to be perceived. [G. tachistos, very rapid, fr. tachys, rapid, + skopeo, to view] * * * ta·chis·to·scope tə kis tə .skōp , ta n an apparatus for the brief exposure of … Medical dictionary