
instrument for detecting body movements caused by heartbeat

Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.

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  • Ballistocardiograph — or BCG detects and measures recoil of the human body due to the momentum of the blood that the heart is currently pumping.To be more specific a BCG measures the impact of blood colliding with aortic arch, which causes the body to have an upward… …   Wikipedia

  • ballistocardiograph — ☆ ballistocardiograph [bə lis΄tōkär′dē əgraf΄ ] n. [< BALLISTIC + CARDIOGRAPH] an instrument that records the slight recoil of the body, while on a special bed, caused by the contractions of the heart: used to measure cardiac pumping power and …   English World dictionary

  • ballistocardiograph — ballistocardiography /beuh lis toh kahr dee og reuh fee/, n. /beuh lis toh kahr dee euh graf , grahf /, n. Med. a device that determines cardiac output by recording the movements of the body caused by contraction of the heart and ejection of… …   Universalium

  • ballistocardiograph — Instrument for taking a ballistocardiogram, consisting either of a moving table suspended from the ceiling, or of an apparatus that rests upon the patient s body, usually on the shins, together with a graphic recording system. * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • ballistocardiograph — n. medical instrument for recording cardiac activity …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ballistocardiograph — bal·lis·to·cardiograph …   English syllables

  • ballistocardiograph — noun a medical instrument that measures the mechanical force of cardiac contractions and the amount of blood passing through the heart during a specified period by measuring the recoil of the body as blood is pumped from the ventricles • Syn:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Баллистокардиограф (Ballistocardiograph) — прибор для записи движений, вызываемых изгнанием крови в аорту при каждом сердечном сокращении. Обычно такая запись (называемая баллистокардиограммой (ballistocardiogram)) позволяет выявить некоторые заболевания сердца или поражение аортального… …   Медицинские термины

  • БАЛЛИСТОКАРДИОГРАФ — (ballistocardiograph) прибор для записи движений, вызываемых изгнанием крови в аорту при каждом сердечном сокращении. Обычно такая запись (называемая баллистокардиограммой (ballistocardiogram)) позволяет выявить некоторые заболевания сердца или… …   Толковый словарь по медицине

  • ballistocardiogram — A record of the body s recoil caused by cardiac contraction, the ejection of blood into the aorta, and ventricular filling forces; has been used as a basis for calculating the cardiac output in man, but its lack of …   Medical dictionary

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