- retinoscope
- instrument for measuring and viewing the retina
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
retinoscope — [ret′ n ə skōp΄] n. [see RETINA & SCOPE] an instrument used in retinoscopy … English World dictionary
retinoscope — /ret n euh skohp /, n. Ophthalm. an apparatus that determines the refractive power of the eye by observing the lights and shadows on the pupil when a mirror illumines the retina; skiascope. [RETIN(A) + O + SCOPE] * * * … Universalium
retinoscope — noun an instrument used for examining the refraction of light within the eye Syn: skiascope … Wiktionary
retinoscope — An optical device used to illuminate a subject s retina during retinoscopy. [retino + G. skopeo, to view] luminous r. a portable optical device providing either a circular or linear (streak) beam of light. reflecting r. a … Medical dictionary
rétinoscope — (ré ti no sko p ) s. m. Terme de médecine. Synonyme d ophthalmoscope. ÉTYMOLOGIE Rétine, et du grec, examiner … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
retinoscope — n. instrument used to determine the refractive capacity of the eye by directing light at the retina (Ophthalmology) … English contemporary dictionary
retinoscope — ret·i·no·scope … English syllables
retinoscope — n. an instrument used to determine the power of spectacle lens required to correct errors of refraction of the eye. It is held in the hand and casts a beam of light into the subject s eye. The examiner looks along the beam and sees the reflection … The new mediacal dictionary
retinoscope — ret•i•no•scope [[t]ˈrɛt n əˌskoʊp[/t]] n. oph an apparatus that determines the refractive power of the eye by observing the lights and shadows on the pupil when a mirror illumines the retina ret i•nos′co•py ˈɒs kə pi n … From formal English to slang
retinoscope — /ˈrɛtənəskoʊp/ (say retuhnuhskohp) noun → skiascope …