- rescript
- answer of pope or emperor to any legal question; edict or decree
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
rescript — RESCRÍPT, rescripte, s.n. Răspuns dat de împăraţii romani la chestiunile de drept asupra cărora erau consultaţi de către magistraţii sau de către guvernatorii provinciilor; p. ext. ordin care emană de la un suveran într o afacere particulară. –… … Dicționar Român
rescript — index canon, citation (charge), correction (change), dictate, direction (order), directive … Law dictionary
Rescript — Re script (r? skr?pt), n. [L. rescriptum: cf. F. rescrit, formerly also spelt rescript. See {Rescribe},v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Rom.Antiq.) The answer of an emperor when formallyconsulted by particular persons on some difficult question; hence,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rescript — (v. lat. Rescriptum), 1) jede schriftliche Antwort einer Oberbehörde an eine Unterbehörde, bes. wenn derselben Seitens der letzteren eine schriftliche Anfrage (Bericht) vorausgegangen ist; 2) eine Art von Verfügungen der römischen Kaiser, welche… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
rescript — [rē′skript΄] n. [L rescriptum < rescriptus, pp. of rescribere < re , back + scribere, to write: see SCRIBE] 1. an order or decree issued by a Roman emperor or by the pope in answer to some presented difficulty or point of law 2. any… … English World dictionary
Rescript — A rescript is a document that is issued not on the initiative of the author, but in response (it literally means written back ) to a specific demand made by its addressee. It does not apply to more general legislation etcetera.OverviewIt may take … Wikipedia
rescript — /ree skript /, n. 1. a written answer, as of a Roman emperor or a pope, to a query or petition in writing. 2. any edict, decree, or official announcement. 3. the act of rewriting. 4. something rewritten. [1520 30; < L rescriptum an imperial… … Universalium
rescript — noun a) The answer of an emperor (originally the Roman Emperor) when formally consulted by a magistrate or other persons on some difficult point of law. In order that the people may know of my decision, I request you to prepare at once an… … Wiktionary
rescript — n. 1 a Roman emperor s written reply to an appeal for guidance, esp. on a legal point. 2 RC Ch. the Pope s decision on a question of doctrine or papal law. 3 an official edict or announcement. 4 a the act or an instance of rewriting. b the thing… … Useful english dictionary
Rescript, das — Das Rescrípt, des es, plur. die e, aus dem mittlern Lat. Rescriptum, diejenige Schrift eines Landesherrn, worin er sich auf das Bittschreiben eines Unterthanen, auf die Anfrage eines Collegii u.s.f. erkläret … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
rescript — noun Etymology: Middle English rescripte, from Latin rescriptum, from neuter of rescriptus, past participle of rescribere to write in reply, from re + scribere to write more at scribe Date: 15th century 1. a written answer of a Roman emperor or… … New Collegiate Dictionary