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Protolith — refers to the precursor lithology of a metamorphic rock. For example, the protolith of a slate is a shale or mudstone. Metamorphic rocks can be derived from any other rock and thus have a wide variety of protoliths. Identifying a protolith is a… … Wikipedia
Protolith — Die Gesteinsmetamorphose (gr. μεταμόρφωσις metamórphosis „Verwandlung“, „Umgestaltung“) ist die Umwandlung der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung eines Gesteins durch geänderte Temperatur und/oder Druckbedingungen. Dabei entsteht aus dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
protolith — noun The original precursor of any specified metamorphic rock … Wiktionary
Common metamorphic minerals as a function of pressure, temperature, and protolith composition — ▪ Table Common metamorphic minerals as a function of pressure, temperature, and protolith composition* protolith high P/low T medium P and T low P/high T shale, mudstone (pelitic) paragonite, muscovite muscovite, paragonite muscovite kyanite… … Universalium
metamorphic rock — Any of a class of rocks that result from the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing geological conditions, including variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress. The preexisting rocks may be igneous, sedimentary,… … Universalium
Metamorphism — For other uses, see Metamorphism (disambiguation). Schematic representation of a metamorphic reaction. Abbreviations of minerals: act = actinolite; chl = chlorite; ep = epidote; gt = garnet; hbl = hornblende; plag = plagioclase. Two minerals… … Wikipedia
Amphibolite — (pronEng|æmˈfɪbəlaɪt) is the name given to a rock consisting mainly of hornblende amphibole, the use of the term being restricted, however, to metamorphic rocks. The modern terminology for a holocrystalline plutonic igneous rocks composed… … Wikipedia
Broken Hill Ore Deposit — The Broken Hill Ore Deposit is located underneath Broken Hill in western New South Wales, Australia, and is the namesake for the town. It is arguably the world s richest and largest zinc lead ore deposit. Discovery The Broken Hill ore deposit was … Wikipedia
Metamorphic rock — Metamorphic redirects here. For other uses, see Metamorphic (disambiguation). Quartzite, a form of metamorphic rock, from the Museum of Geology at University of Tartu collection. Metamorphic rock is the transformation of an existing rock type,… … Wikipedia
Narryer Gneiss Terrane — Stratigraphic range: > 3.3 Ga Satellite image of Jack Hills in the Narryer Gneiss Terrane Type Geological complex Sub units … Wikipedia