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Pampiniform — Pam*pin i*form, a. [L. pampinus a tendril + form.] (Anat.) In the form of tendrils; applied especially to the spermatic and ovarian veins. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pampiniform plexus — Infobox Vein Name = PAGENAME Latin = plexus pampiniformis GraySubject = 258 GrayPage = 1240 Caption = Spermatic veins. Caption2 = DrainsFrom = testicle, epididymis Source = DrainsTo = testicular vein Artery = System = MeshName = MeshNumber =… … Wikipedia
pampiniform plexus — pam·pin·i·form plexus pam pin ə .fȯrm n a venous plexus that is associated with each testicular vein in the male and each ovarian vein in the female called also pampiniform venous plexus * * * plexus pampiniformis 1. [TA] in the male, a plexus… … Medical dictionary
pampiniform — Having the shape of a tendril; denoting a vinelike structure. [L. pampinus, a tendril, + forma, form] * * * pam·pin·i·form (pam pinґĭ form) [L. pampinus tendril + form] shaped like a tendril … Medical dictionary
pampiniform — pam·pin·i·form … English syllables
pampiniform — a. like a tendril … Dictionary of difficult words
pampiniform — pamˈpinəˌfȯrm adjective Etymology: Latin pampinus tendril, vine leaf (of non Indo European origin) + English iform; akin to the source of Greek ampelos vine : convoluted and like a tendril used of a venous plexus associated with the spermatic or … Useful english dictionary
pampiniform body — epoцphoron … Medical dictionary
Varicocele — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Varicocele ICD10 = ICD10|I|86|1|i|80 ICD9 = ICD9|456.4 ICDO = Caption = Cross section showing the pampiniform plexus OMIM = MedlinePlus = 001284 | eMedicineSubj = radio eMedicineTopic = 739 DiseasesDB = 13731 MeshID … Wikipedia
Vein — A blood vessel that carries blood low in oxygen content from the body back to the heart. The deoxygenated form of hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) in venous blood makes it appear dark. Veins are part of the afferent wing of the circulatory system… … Medical dictionary