
indicating subject of a verb

Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.

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  • Nominative — Nom i*na*tive, a. [L. nominativus belonging to a name, nominative.] (Gram.) Giving a name; naming; designating; said of that case or form of a noun which stands as the subject of a finite verb. n. The nominative case. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nominative — ► ADJECTIVE 1) Grammar denoting a case of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives expressing the subject of a verb. 2) of or appointed by nomination as distinct from election. ► NOUN Grammar ▪ a word in the nominative case …   English terms dictionary

  • nominative — [näm′ə nə tiv; ] for adj.1 & 2, also [, näm′ənāt΄iv] adj. [ME nomenatyf < OFr nominatif < L nominativus, belonging to a name < pp. of nominare: see NOMINATE] 1. appointed or filled by appointment 2. having the name of a person on it, as… …   English World dictionary

  • nominative — (adj.) late 14c., pertaining to the grammatical case dealing with the subject of a verb, from O.Fr. nominatif, from L. nominativus pertaining to naming, from nominatus, pp. of nominare (see NOMINATE (Cf. nominate)). As a noun from 1620s …   Etymology dictionary

  • nominative — is a grammatical term denoting a noun or pronoun that is the subject of a verb or sentence, e.g. house in The house stood on a hill. See cases …   Modern English usage

  • nominative — adjective Etymology: Middle English nominatyf, from Anglo French or Latin; Anglo French nominatif, from Latin (casus) nominativus nominative case, from nominare; from the traditional use of the nominative form in naming a noun Date: 14th century… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • nominative — nominatively, adv. /nom euh neuh tiv, nom neuh / or, for 2, 3, /nom euh nay tiv/, adj. 1. Gram. a. (in certain inflected languages, as Sanskrit, Latin, and Russian) noting a case having as its function the indication of the subject of a finite… …   Universalium

  • nominative — /ˈnɒmənətɪv / (say nomuhnuhtiv), /ˈnɒmnə / (say nomnuh ) adjective 1. Grammar denoting the case of a word which serves as the subject of a verb. 2. nominated; appointed by nomination. –noun 3. the nominative case. 4. a. a word with a nominative… …  

  • nominative — ● nominatif, nominative adjectif (latin nominativus) Qui dénomme, énonce expressément les noms : Liste nominative. En Bourse, se dit d un titre qui porte le nom du propriétaire, par opposition aux titres au porteur, qui ne contiennent pas cette… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • nominative — n. (grammar) the nominative absolute * * * [ nɒm(ɪ)nətɪv] (grammar) the nominative absolute …   Combinatory dictionary

  • nominative — [[t]nɒ̱mɪnətɪv[/t]] N SING: the N In the grammar of some languages, the nominative or the nominative case is the case used for a noun when it is the subject of a verb. Compare accusative …   English dictionary

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