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lithomyl — An instrument for pulverizing a stone in the bladder. [litho + G. myle, mill] … Medical dictionary
ЛИТИЯ КАРБОНАТ — ( Lithii carbonas ). Синонимы : Контемнол, Camcolit, Carbopax, Contemnol, Eskalith, Licarb, Lithane, Lithicarb, Lithium carbonicum, Lithizine, Lithobid, Lithomyl, Lithonate, Liticar, Lito, Neurolepsin, Plenur, Priadel, Teralithe и др. Белый… … Словарь медицинских препаратов
Lithii carbonas — ЛИТИЯ КАРБОНАТ ( Lithii carbonas ). Синонимы : Контемнол, Camcolit, Carbopax, Contemnol, Eskalith, Licarb, Lithane, Lithicarb, Lithium carbonicum, Lithizine, Lithobid, Lithomyl, Lithonate, Liticar, Lito, Neurolepsin, Plenur, Priadel, Teralithe и… … Словарь медицинских препаратов
Stones and Rocks — All the words in this list incorporate the element lith , from the Greek lithos stone . Unfortunately, if you ve come looking for a list of different types of stone (a list that would easily run into the thousands) you should really consult a… … Phrontistery dictionary