- isogram
- line connecting points on a map having some similar feature
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
Phrontistery dictionary. 2013.
isogram — [ī′sō gram΄, ī′səgram΄] n. [ ISO + GRAM] a line on a particular surface, as on a map, that represents a constant or equal value of a given quantity … English World dictionary
Isogram — For the term in geography and cartography, see contour line. An isogram (also known as a nonpattern word ) is a logological term for a word or phrase without a repeating letter. It is also used by some to mean a word or phrase in which each… … Wikipedia
isogram — noun Date: 1889 isoline … New Collegiate Dictionary
isogram — a map line connecting all points having the same anything. Also called isoline … Dictionary of ichthyology
isogram — /uy seuh gram /, n. Meteorol., Geog. a line representing equality with respect to a given variable, used to relate points on maps, charts, etc. Also called isoline. [1885 90; ISO + GRAM1] * * * … Universalium
isogram — noun a) A word or phrase in which each letter occurs the same number of times b) A line on a chart, such as a contour line, joining points that have the save value for some quantity … Wiktionary
isogram — iso·gram … English syllables
isogram — i•so•gram [[t]ˈaɪ səˌgræm[/t]] n. geo a line representing equality with respect to a given variable, used to relate points on maps, charts, etc • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
isogram — /ˈaɪsəgræm/ (say uysuhgram) noun → isopleth …
isogram — n. line on map passing through all places with same conditions or figures for the subject in question, as temperature, rainfall, etc … Dictionary of difficult words