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dionym — (ˈdaɪənɪm) [ad. Gr. διώνυµ ος, ον having two names, f. δι , (di 2) twice + ὄνοµα name.] A name consisting of two terms (as the names in zoology or botany, the two terms of which denote respectively the genus and species). 18.. Coues is cited by… … Useful english dictionary
dionym — n. name containing two terms. ♦ dionymal, a. binomial … Dictionary of difficult words
Names for Names — When my brother and I were little, our parents used to joke that if one of us had been a girl, they could have named us Chris and Alice, so that we would be Chris and Alice Chrisomalis . Fortunately for all concerned, they did not do so, because… … Phrontistery dictionary